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- Sweet Grass Braid: SweetGrass, Native Source, Holy Grass (Lrg 25-32")+ Instructions. Cleanse, Purify, Set Intentions
Sweet Grass Braid: SweetGrass, Native Source, Holy Grass (Lrg 25-32")+ Instructions. Cleanse, Purify, Set Intentions
Sweet Grass, Holy Grass, Seneca Grass, Buffalo Grass; the Sweet Purifier, "Hair of the Earth Mother" braided, is offered in Gratitude and Abundance in ceremony and ritual. Important to all Native tribes across the US and Canada, Sweet Grass is used to:
**Carry Prayer, Purify, give Thanks, Sweeten, and Heal.**
These are the largest, longest, and thickest braids we carry from Canada. See details below.
*SWEET GRASS* is often offered/burned in rituals of gratitude when starting the day, setting new intentions, before beginning a new project, in Ceremony, Dance, Prayer.
** Lighter and more subtle than the Sages, Sweet Grass is traditionally burned after Cedar and the Sages, but traditions and ceremonies differ.
* Sweet grass is an invitation to fill your space and heart with goodness. A Lakota Elder says that Sage and Cedar drive out the bad spirits; Sweet grass draws the good ones to your ceremony to help you carry out your good intentions!
**The beauty of this Plant Spirit** Sweet Grass does not need to be burned to be enjoyed; it holds its vanilla like scent for a long time. Keep yours hanging in your space by a window, in clothes, or in your car~ to receive the blessings of the Plant Spirit. Smudging ritual brings blessings by scent and Sacred Smoke.
*LISTING* Sweet Grass: 1- thick braid.
Length: Lrg: 25-32" Fatter, stronger scent. From Alberta CA
approx. .75" at widest.+ Instructions for burning.
**NOTE** Because Sweet grass is seasonal, the size of braids and even the scent can vary during the growing season, even reeds picked from the same field. This variation is natural. As always- Mother Earth is our Boss ;). Please know that whether braids are large or small, the blessings of Sweet Grass Spirit and the blessings of the Lands that nurture them, are all the same; Sacred.
**BURNING SWEET GRASS: the grass reed does not form an ember like sage bundles do, so it stays lit a shorter time and may need to be relit often. This is normal. My Teacher taught me that "Sweetgrass burns as long as a wish, a prayer, a shooting star"; the length of time of your prayer or invocation only- and then is meant to naturally extinguish; the Spirits come quickly when this sacred herb is lit; so a little goes a long way.
**"What is SMUDGING?** The Native Indian practice of burning sage/herbs for Blessing, offering, and creating Sacred Space; using smoke from Sacred plants and herbs- to cleanse one’s self, space, and energy, in prayer; practiced by by tribes across North, Central, and South America for centuries.
Shipping: I reimburse all excess shipping costs.
**PLEASE use care when burning your herb bundles** Do not leave a burning smudge wand unattended. Take extra care around children and pets. When finished burning, run the tip under running water to make sure the burning ember inside is fully extinguished. Hang it to dry for your next use.
***All statements here are educational in nature and intent.