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- 2 Black AMBER- Large, Fossilized, Natural Self HEALING (L 1-1.5") Organic. "Joy Boosting", Sun-Earth-Wind Kissed Fossil
2 Black AMBER- Large, Fossilized, Natural Self HEALING (L 1-1.5") Organic. "Joy Boosting", Sun-Earth-Wind Kissed Fossil
per item
Large Black Amber Chunks: Ancient Tree Resin, now Fossilized, Raw, and Magical~ a true Healing Elixir, preserved by time.
Recipe of the Standing Ones for self-healing; these raw Amber pieces were made millions of years ago, first from liquid resin or tree sap, a self- healing elixir made by the tree, to mend its own cuts and wounds. This sap cascaded down the side of the tree, and was hardened by eons of weather, sun, and time~ 20-50million years ago!
Made in time of need, this amber is held in the earth, buried over time as the tree and forest floor ultimately sink back into the earth. Time hardens and fossilizes this tree sap into hard resin.
Amber is commonly found in layers beneath soil, in beds of petrified forest, or in tears and chunks washed off the land and found in rivers and beaches. This amber belongs to an ancient Indonesian forest of trees, from Borneo.
Its colors are golden "black"~ dark brown, with mostly dark browns, some occasional green, reds, oranges. Some pieces have translucent, bright gold amber parts; other areas are a rare blue/green.
*Amber is soft, not as hard as rock and should be handled with care. It will break if dropped. I will inspect your pieces and pick out special ones for you.
2 Pieces
Large (1"-1.5")
*USE* Stones and Crystals are meant to be companions on our journey: Arrange on an altar; Carry and keep in medicine or possibles pouches, and handle throughout the day. Use them In meditation and bodywork. Balance a room by placing in the 4 cardinal directions; use for body and space grids. For dream work- place bedside.
*CARE of Your Crystals/Stones:
Due to softness and fragility, Buff amber with a soft cloth. Water and heat are not recommended for cleaning. Sound clearing is best, or store will selenite.
All stones at Sacred Land Sage have been sound, sun, moon, and sage blessed, and have received Elemental blessings on our Sacred Wheel grids.
*ATTUNE YOUR Stone: When you get your crystal and stones: buff with a soft cloth. Many stones fade in sunlight, so limiting sun exposure is recommended. Attune your crystal to your energy and needs by handling and keeping them close like a good friend. Now they are ready to join you for grounding, meditation, dreamwork, and your cleansing rituals.
Recipe of the Standing Ones for self-healing; these raw Amber pieces were made millions of years ago, first from liquid resin or tree sap, a self- healing elixir made by the tree, to mend its own cuts and wounds. This sap cascaded down the side of the tree, and was hardened by eons of weather, sun, and time~ 20-50million years ago!
Made in time of need, this amber is held in the earth, buried over time as the tree and forest floor ultimately sink back into the earth. Time hardens and fossilizes this tree sap into hard resin.
Amber is commonly found in layers beneath soil, in beds of petrified forest, or in tears and chunks washed off the land and found in rivers and beaches. This amber belongs to an ancient Indonesian forest of trees, from Borneo.
Its colors are golden "black"~ dark brown, with mostly dark browns, some occasional green, reds, oranges. Some pieces have translucent, bright gold amber parts; other areas are a rare blue/green.
*Amber is soft, not as hard as rock and should be handled with care. It will break if dropped. I will inspect your pieces and pick out special ones for you.
2 Pieces
Large (1"-1.5")
*USE* Stones and Crystals are meant to be companions on our journey: Arrange on an altar; Carry and keep in medicine or possibles pouches, and handle throughout the day. Use them In meditation and bodywork. Balance a room by placing in the 4 cardinal directions; use for body and space grids. For dream work- place bedside.
*CARE of Your Crystals/Stones:
Due to softness and fragility, Buff amber with a soft cloth. Water and heat are not recommended for cleaning. Sound clearing is best, or store will selenite.
All stones at Sacred Land Sage have been sound, sun, moon, and sage blessed, and have received Elemental blessings on our Sacred Wheel grids.
*ATTUNE YOUR Stone: When you get your crystal and stones: buff with a soft cloth. Many stones fade in sunlight, so limiting sun exposure is recommended. Attune your crystal to your energy and needs by handling and keeping them close like a good friend. Now they are ready to join you for grounding, meditation, dreamwork, and your cleansing rituals.
4 available